Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Technology-Infused Classroom

The technology-infused classroom is one that uses technology to enhance, not replace, education. For example, the article below discusses the value that video conferencing can add to the classroom. Skype, Google video chat, or programs like the ICN can greatly enhance the learning experience!
Video Conference Project Sparks Meaningful Learning

My technology-infused classroom includes taking "trips" on Google Earth using the LCD projector, utilizing Web 2.0 collaborative tools such as Google Docs, Meeting Words, and Writeboard to allow students to work on projects and documents with the teacher or other students in a real-time setting from any location. My students hear lectures from renowned scholars through the C-SPAN video library and have visited European museums on virtual field trips. While Northeast Hamilton is not a one-to-one school, our classes have access to two mobile laptop labs and three desktop computer labs, as well as wireless internet access throughout the building. Social studies at Northeast Hamilton includes the use of cell phones, iPods, and a Nintendo Wii, all of which get the students excited about learning and engaged in the curriculum.

 Credit: David Julian

Being creative with technology is especially important. Even schools with low technology-budgets can infuse top of the line technology with a little ingenuity and innovation. In the following video, Johnny Lee shows you how to create a Smart Board using a "Wiimote"  and infrared light!

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