Wednesday, April 4, 2012

NEH Teacher Tech - Share Out

Class: 8th Grade US History
Technology: Google Maps
Content: Civil War
Best Practice: Collaboration/Team Work

Comments: Students had to research, use maps, identify, locate, create civil war maps

Class: High School Health
Technology: Computer - research, found related edu-game to review
Content: Endocrine System
Best Practice: Compare/Contrast

Comments: Defined communication, compared how the human body related to communication systems/mail system
Class: Spanish I
Technology: Wikispaces
Content: "Gustar" with food vocabulary, conversational verbs
Best Practice: Writing practice

Comments: Students demonstrated 20 spanish sentences using "gustar". Students were already familiar with wikis, so they took off, they had to find out how to use accents on the wiki. Kids created a "contest", able to read sentences and not deal with trying to read handwriting - it was harder to give feedback because of wait time, couldn't show them where the problem was specifically on their writing - but addressed this with individual conferences
Class: Guidance
Technology: Group Email
Content: Local Scholarships
Best Practice: Equity in distribution, access

Comments: Parents were excited to get emails, everyone was getting them, time saver - more efficient, simple, worked well
Class: Kindergarten
Technology: Tagxedo
Content: Word Families
Best Practice: Computer skills, beginning reading

Comments: Kids enjoyed the program, matching, did one lesson first with me, high school kids/helpers, and then did another lesson using their Read Well words. The second time around 2nd grade came in to help the Kindergarten students keep track -students took home work. Surprised at how easily some of them typed! Growth was fun to see! Students were excited about work
Class: 1st Grade
Technology: Little Bird Tales
Content: Story Writing
Best Practice: Collaboration

Comments: Students cut pictures out of magazines, wrote stories with 4th grade buddies about the pictures. Took pictures, the 4th graders typed in their text, 1st graders recorded stories, and saved the books to Little Bird Tales that can be shared online - wants to put on teacher page!
Class: Creative Drama (11th, 12th)
Technology: Wiki, Youtube
Content: Methods of acting
Best Practice: Writing, discussion questions, viewing

Comments: Found episodes of Inside the Actor's Studio - watched Jim Carey together, wrote summaries on wiki, responded, then repeated - students knew how to use the technology, Tech Team member was in her class to help with trouble-shooting. Problems - needed a rubric or guidelines for how to properly respond
Class: Biology (10th-12th)
Technology: Research/Twitter/TweetDeck
Content: Genetics/Mutation
Best Practice: Guided resources/scaffolding, summarizing

Comments: Used guiding questions to find characteristics of mutations - when they found them they had to tweet the answer, which forced them to summarize, address a public audience - let them use personal devices so they were able to get started right away. Pulled up TweetDeck and showed kids the feed, and used #nehbio to log their responses. Kids who don't normally participate were given a voice, people other than the kids in the biology class started using #nehbio - but then kids started trying to get #nehbio to trend (not as focused). Next time would have kids search Twitter themselves, would like to find more YouTube videos about mutations - they missed out on a lot of good information on YouTube.
Class: 6th Grade Reading
Technology: Twitter, websites, research
Content: Biographies
Best Practice: Informational reading

Comments: Used twitter to find ideas, resources, and websites. Students researched biographies, but had a lot of computer issues, library needs updated biographies. Students need help searching the web.
Class: 8th Grade Reading
Technology: Socrative
Content: Killing Mr. Griffin (novel)
Best Practice: Group Discussion/Reflection

Comments: Started out as a quiz - turned into really good discussion - you can choose whether or not to show their responses, you can upload your own quizzes, use app to create quizzes (works on phone or online) - kids asked to do it again! Kids like to use their phone. 
Class: 7th Grade Geography
Technology: Google Forms quiz
Content: Maps - State capitals
Best Practice: Retention check

Comments: Kids did a review test to see what they had retained from first semester
Class: 4th Grade Science
Technology: Google Forms quiz
Content: Body Systems 
Best Practice: Review

Comments: Name required, printing size was an issue, printed out a nice spreadsheet
Class: 5th Grade
Technology: Super Scribble Nauts
Content: Vocabulary
Best Practice: Create/Describe

Comments: Get a person from one island to another when there was a shark in the water - kids had to talk and work together, prompted class discussion
Class: Art
Technology: Wikispaces
Content: Project analysis
Best Practice: Compare/Contrast

Comments: Prompted one question at a time to help students develop their critique of their projects along the way
Class: Pastries
Technology: YouTube (How To videos), Cell phones, Wikis
Content: Cakes, Decorating
Best Practice: Modeling

Comments: Students used their phones to take pictures of their decorated cakes to post on the wiki
Class: 8th Grade Math
Technology: Phone/Computer
Content: Currency Rates
Best Practice: 

Comments: Class did proportions of currency exchange rates 
Class: 3rd grade Social Studies
Technology: ICN
Content: My America Series
Best Practice: Multiple learner types (visual, audio)

Comments: Haiku poem - students really want to share what they are doing, so they typed them in their wikis, then they used their wiki to do a student-led conference for their parents. Teacher copied and pasted Haikus and used pictures and recording to create a voicethread - used these at conferences. Using their individual projects to create group projects for wiki and to share with parents outside of classrrom
Class: Horticulture
Technology: Internet research
Content: Gardening - site, plant, date selection
Best Practice: Student investigation

Comments: Created plot of what to plant when and where - had to look on the internet to find the appropriate plants, students had to define/find own vocabulary words (crop rotation, alleopathy, etc) without clues - looked it up themselves and then had to relate it back using prior knowledge (walnut trees & alleopathy) Concerns: Keeping students on task
Class: 5th Grade 
Technology: iPhones, iTouches, Flip Cameras
Content: Students Empowering Students - Recycling
Best Practice: CREATING

Comments: Scripting, Filming, Editing a commercial - bringing 5th and 9th graders together to do different stages of the process


How do we continue to use technology after this "assignment"? What concerns do we still have?

Tweet - How would you use wikispaces in an elementary classroom? Individual student pages? Class Wikis?

How do we deal with technical issues? 

One teacher taught 8th graders how to save on flash drive & email to her so she could print it for them

What about families and students who don't have internet/computer at home? Some kids can get to the library, but not everyone has that access. -A speaker at the TICL conference a couple years ago wanted districts to go 1:1 with Smart Phones so that students have access no matter where they are.

Not every use of technology has to be "homework" - many things can be done in class

Getting internet access in the Elem. Computer Lab is really difficult - especially for young kids

How do you decide who has access to what?

We are looking at upgrading wireless again, broadband - going from 10 up to 20 or 25, but the problem with that is that any kid with a phone, ipod, ipad, etc is using our broadband

We need to teach kids how to print responsibly - and train them to ask for help when they need to change things or if something breaks down

Do we need to go to 1:1? School board will have to discuss this - laptops, tablets? High school, middle school? Computer carts are outdated or not well-cared for. 

When do we start teaching how to log in, turn on, etc - none of this is in the standards/benchmarks - where does it get done? Who is responsible for that?

Webquests work well for research so that kids are more focused (Zunal, TrackStar). 3rd grade set up the wiki so that kids have direction. 

MISIC is building out its resource database (at least for Science)

Ten Marks Math - differentiates for students, gives individual reports, formative feedback - give different numbers of problems (10 today, 20 next week, review), vocabulary and concepts are challenging - they (the company) are looking at their data - kids can get "helps" - video or vocabulary - a lot of information is covered that is on the Iowa Assessments that teachers may not have gotten to or isn't covered in the curriculum.

"I don't force every kid to do every thing I have anymore. You can do this or you can do this. You can work on geometry or you can do probability."

BudderBall Brownie has his own blog for journals and pictures (3rd grade take home bear - similar to Mr. Bunny's journal)

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