Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Developing my PLN

  1. Personal Network examples
*Scott McLeod - Director of CASTLE, Iowa 1:1
*Karl Hehr - Tech director at Ames CSD
*Shannon Miller - Teacher librarian/Tech Integrationist - Van Meter CSD
*Andy Crozier - Superintendent at Andrew CSD, ITEC President
  1. Subject matter experts examples
*Monte DeArmoun - IACoPi leadership team, Social Studies teacher, Big History Project pilot teacher @nksocialstudies
*Nancy Movall - Ed Tech/Innovation leader for Grant Wood AEA, project leader, IACoPi visionary @nmovall
*Jen Sigrist - Social Studies department leader/curriculum at Van Meter CSD @jensigrist
  1. Professional resources that can contribute to ongoing learning 
      *ITEC - Iowa Technology Education Connection
  • C-SPAN Classroom  - digital resources for the classroom from C-SPAN
  • #edtech Twitter feed - Those interested in educational technology
  • History tech blog - Social Studies teacher and tech enthusiast
  • IACoPi - Iowa Community of Practice and Innovation - Blended-learning support, Social Studies branch is specific to my needs, great teacher-leaders and resources provided, including Project Based Learning training
Topics of interest for continuing learning related to educational technology.
*Flipped classes - continue to look at providing the “lecture” outside of class so that we can do hands-on activities and assignments IN class - is this a better way of providing lecture or just “another” way of providing lecture, and is it meaningful?
*BYOD - Bring your own device: In a school that is not one to one, but trying to keep up with those who are, giving kids access by any means possible is an area I am interested in. 
*TPACK - Continued learning about creating meaningful, not just flashy, lessons that incorporate sound teaching strategies, technology, and content. 
*1:1 - As we continue looking at going to 1:1 as a district and with our sharing partner, it will be essential that i stay up to date on current trends and what is working and what is not. Being prepared and having realistic expectations means that we will be able to create a positive experience for our students.
I created a list feed of the top technology people and resources for my Tweet Deck. I also follow specific hashtags that relate to educational technology. Some of my favorite people to follow and favorite hashtags are listed below.l

Hash Tags
#IAEdFuture - Governor's blueprint currently being discussed
#IACoPi - Iowa Community of Practice and Innovation

#sschat - Social Studies
#ssia (IACoPi)
#engchat - English
#elemchat - Elementary
#midleved - Middle Level
#mathchat - Math
#iamathalg - Math (IACoPi)
#spedchat - Special Education
#tlchat - Teacher Librarians

Active Schools to Follow

People to Follow
@jasonglassia - Dir. Jason Glass (Iowa Ed)

@mcleod - Scott McLeod, Iowa State/Ed Tech
@jerridkruse - Jerrid Kruse, Science Methods, Drake

@cariteske - Cari Teske, Admin
@johnccarver - John Carver, Admin
@phock66 - Pat Hocking, Admin
@prallekeehn - Sara Keehn, Admin
@derondurflinger - Deron Durflinger, Admin
@acrozier22 - Andy Crozier, Admin/ITEC

@B_Wagoner - Bridgette Wagoner, Curriculum/Technology
@mctownsley - Matt Townsley, Curriculum/Technology
@shannonmmiller - Shannon Miller, Library/Technology
@karlhehr - Karl Hehr, Tech

@SMGHogan - Patrick Hogan, CR Gazette Reporter

@eolsonteacher - Erin Olson, English
@shfarnsworth - Shaylyn Farnsworth, English
@mrsashleyjdavis - Ashley Davis, MS Language Arts/SpEd
@LPralleKeehn - Leslie Pralle Keehn, Social Studies
@nksocialstudies - Monte Dearmon, Social Studies
@mhock21 - Melissa Hocking, Science
@marciarpowell - Marcia Powell, Science
@jonniebecker - Jonnie Becker, Science
@tammymassman - Tammy Massman, Elementary (3rd)

@betamiller - Andrew Miller, Project Based Learning
@tracepick - Trace Pickering, Edugaming
@robertjmarzano - Dr. Bob Marzano, Author
@rickwormeli - Rick Wormeli, Author (SBAR)

*There are too many to name, sorry if I missed you on my list!

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